FOOD AND COOKING OF THE MIDDLE KINGDOMS: an ongoing recipe listing

The worktop

This is a listing of articles/recipes that will be appearing in FOOD AND COOKING OF THE MIDDLE KINGDOMS.

This listing is just getting started. More entries are to come. (The cookbook will contain at least the fifty recipes below, as well as a similar number of articles on the general MK food scene.)

Recipes and articles already completed are linked to from this page. As the project gets rolling during Q3 of 2021, recipes will be posted at the new dedicated Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms website.

Recipes are tagged with the initials of the book or short work in which they appear. Recipes and articles that have already been written and posted at the blog are linked to from this page.

If you have a request for a recipe for food you’ve seen in one of the MK books, or another query, please leave it in a comment to this post. Thanks!



  • Berry-peppers: dark, yellow, climbing green (Piper nigrum, P. aureum medioregnis, P. scandens medioregnis)
  • Butternut (Butyrospermum medioregnis sp.)
  • Cáladain / sweetbark (Cinnamomum delibrens)
  • Green citron (Citrus ichangensis medioregnis)
  • Honey-rush (Saccharum phragmitus medioregnis)
  • Kálapan / groundnut (Conopodium majus medioregnis sp.)
  • Kilce (Cydonia medioregna)
  • Metahnë / weeproot (Armoracia rusticana)
  • Mintgrass (Mentha diemenica medioregnis)
  • Telcametë / sweetroot (Bunium megacastanum)
  • Versary berry (Synsepalum conversalis medioregnis)
  • Whitefruit (Capsicum albifructans sp.)
  • Yellow citron (Citrus medica)

Food and Cooking of the Middle Kingdoms

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